Grey College SCR
A vibrant community within Durham University of both academics and members of the wider local community.
Welcome to Grey College SCR
Welcome to Grey College Senior Common Room (SCR), a vibrant community within Durham University of both academics and members of the wider local community.
We support the Grey College community, both academically and socially, enjoying a wide range of dinners, talks and other events.
If you wish to join the SCR and meet a wide range of new people, you can apply for membership.
A Message from the President
Welcome to Grey College SCR. I am sure that you will enjoy the Fellowship with the other SCR members and with the students at Grey College. Please come to as many of the SCR events as you can. I am very grateful for your support.
President, Grey College SCR
The Role of the Senior Common Room
The Senior Common Room exists to contribute to the life, enrichment and development of the College as an all-age community of scholars. This is achived through meeting socially and the sharing of ideas. Our particular aims are:
- supporting student members of the College through their university education by helping to create an appropriate intellectual, pastoral and developmental environment;
- providing an academic forum for members of the College, University and wider community;
- serving as a base for our visiting and honorary fellows, offering to them a genuine collegiate atmosphere of conviviality, intellectual stimulus, networking and recreational opportunities etc.;
- helping to develop links with a range of University Institutes and Departments;
- playing a key role in developing links with the wider community.
A Message from the Principal
Grey College Senior Common Room is an integral part of the Grey College Community. The SCR provides an opportunity for networking and a sense of belonging for academic and professional staff outside of their home department. I value the contribution SCR members make to enriching College life e.g. by talking with students, engaging with events, or acting as mentors.
The SCR meets regularly for a wide variety of social and cultural activities including for formal and informal dinners, social gatherings, special lectures and small discussion events. All of this helps to further the mission of the College as an inclusive living and learning community, bringing together people in different disciplines and lines of work with each other and with students to explore common interests in a friendly setting.
Principal, Grey College